Testing Debt

There isn’t a whole lot that I can see out on the big wide world web on what I am calling Testing Debt (or so says Google). Perhaps most folks call it something different. I’m seriously open to debate about what exactly Testing Debt is, and/or how it should be defined.

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Silverlight and the ConvertAll method

I may have already mentioned my woes (here or on Twitter) with the Linq2SQL in a Silverlight for Windows Phone Mango environment.

I am of the opinion that the following code should work:

public class Person : IPerson
    // Class internals, not relevant for this example.

public class DataContext
    public DataContext()
        // Load data or whatever.

    public Table<Person> People { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<IPerson> GetPeople()
        return this.People;

I would have assumed this would work, because Table<T> implements the IEnumerable<T> interface and the contents of the Table, in this instance Person - implements the IPerson interface.

But apparently it wouldn’t. I cannot recall now if it returned an IEnumerable<T> that was empty, or if it was just null. In either case it wasn’t working.

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More PBs

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Hospitals need whiteboards

So I’m sat in hospital right now. My better half is having various blood tests done, all to do with her pregnancy. I’m currently really tired and my mind is on coding, as I was knee deep in code before I was called away from the office to take her to the hospital.

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