Hospitals need whiteboards
Sep 19, 2011 · 1 minute read · CommentsSo I’m sat in hospital right now. My better half is having various blood tests done, all to do with her pregnancy. I’m currently really tired and my mind is on coding, as I was knee deep in code before I was called away from the office to take her to the hospital.
I’m wishing that I had an App on my Android phone that would allow me to design database schema, as that is what I’ve filled my time with… using AKNotepad. It’s done the trick but was far from intuitive. My missus thinks I’m weird… but she reads books shudder.
If they had a white board in here I could just take a photo as a copy of my schema…
The schema I think will be used to persist data for my Windows 8 Metro App idea (which might make it as a Silverlight or WPF application for Windows 7 first, and depending on time… Windows Phone 7 as well). No spoilers as of yet, I’d love to get a bulk of work completed on it and some kind of working prototype before I witter on about it publicly (not that it is earth shattering as ideas go!)